Intrepidux Inventory - An effective warehouse and goods management solution
Intrepidux Inventory - Improve the efficiency of inventory & supply chain management, intensify competitiveness of enterprises.
Optimize costs & resources, enhance supply efficiency
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Real-time Inventory
Automatically update inventory
as soon as a stock move is confirmed.
No-excess Supply
Understand which, when, and how many items are needed to replenish.
Improve the cash conversion cycle
Adjust the inventory cycle to improve inventory investment turnover
Key Features of Intrepidux Inventory
Control import and export inventory & support sufficient and timely supply
Stock Management
All product information in one interface: detailed parameters, on-hand & forecast quantity, location & putaway rules, etc.
Sort products in category, product code, lot & serial number, size, etc. by easy-to-custom filters and groups.
Control product lifetime & stock age. Alarm the ideal time for stock removal.
Manage multiple units, and convert units of measure following users' demands.
Track every stock move
Combination of the two methods Lavoisier & Double-Entry Bookkeeping. All stock moves are recorded with source & destination location, quantity details, conversation history, transaction time, the person in charge, etc, which effectively supports the statistics, analyzing, tracing product origin in the warehouse.
"Nothing lost, everything changed" - Antoine Lavoisier
In Intrepidux Inventory, there's no disappearance, consumption, or loss of products, instead, stocks move from one location to another.